Monday, March 15, 2010

I Just Need a Compass and a Willing Accomplice

Not much to report from Londontown. I'm pretty settled into my internship now. I'm comfortable and when I'm not performing arduous tasks like making hundreds of phone calls and doing event listings online, I'm really enjoying the work I'm doing. There have been a couple of projects where I feel really involved and like I'm contributing, so that is a great feeling. Alex and I made family dinner this week, I made chili and she made lemon cake. Despite a little bit of stress, three extra cans of beefstock and lemon pie filling as a substitute, everything came out great. The weekend was quiet and it may have been just what I needed. Today my class went on a walk through Chelsea which is so close to Kensington but I really didn't know much about it. We were looking at housing and got to see some really cool places. Then we went to the Royal Hospital where veterans can go to live if they don't have anywhere else to go. All the men who live there were so pleasant and kind. It was really cool. Then we went to the Saatchi Gallery where they house all sorts of art from around the world that might never be seen because it's created by artists who aren't famous and don't get any recognition. Some of it was really amazing. By the way, I'm trying to take more pictures. I think I just need to make it a habit. To take pictures of anything and everything. All the time. Just a thought ...

Saatchi Gallery

hand drawn sketches of all the service men and women who have died in Iraq

erased album covers

Last night I had kind of a reality check that my time here is going to eventually come to an end. And I can't believe how quickly its going. And how much I still want to see and do. I'm a little disappointed we haven't done more traveling. But there is so much to do in London that I can't really complain. I know we're going to see more places but I still feel like I've wasted some time here. There is an enormous amount of pressure put on us to make the most of our study abroad time. I suppose I should make a list to make sure I get everything done. If only I could afford to stay longer. I know I'll be back. That's all for now.

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