Monday, March 22, 2010

We'll Weave Our Days Together Like Waves

I think this blog needs a little color. And that's exactly what I'm going to give it. This week, London got a little color. It came in the form of modern art, Sunday afternoon tea, banana leaves and cheery sweaters.

This week at work was more of the usual. Friday we turned the office into an art studio of sorts to spray paint 320 leaves with the logo of the club they're opening next week. It was actually really fun and a little bit messy but we got some Coronas and chips and listened to music. It was the best day in the office by far. This weekend we checked out the Tate Modern. Sometimes I have a problem with modern art. Maybe it’s lost on me but much of it just doesn’t seem to show any talent or inspiration or bother to impress me at all. Some of the pieces in Tate Modern are amazing, though. We went back with my class today after a lovely walk on Southbank and did one of the “interactive” exhibits that’s basically a big black box. It’s difficult to describe but it was pretty awesome.

Saturday night we went to Notting Hill –which is such a cool area- to Allie’s friend Katie’s flat where her dad lives when he comes to London for business. The place was amazing and it was so nice to hang out in a real house. We ordered Thai and got some Strongbow. And of course two types of cheese to have with crackers and a baguette. We had all intentions of going out but after our feast we hit the couch and our minds were made up for us. Mostly because The Departed was on. It was such a fun night because we just got to relax and laugh.

Yesterday was beautiful and sunny day. We had tea at Kensington Palace in the Orangery where Princess Diana used to live. It was a perfect afternoon. We walked just through Hyde Park across the street and sat in an airy room to enjoy the most delicious tea, scones, tarts, eclairs and finger sandwiches. And of course a couple of casual cheese plates.

If there’s anything I love, it’s the change of seasons. I’ve been able to open my window a crack this week and there’s nothing like fresh air and being able to smell the slightest bit of spring. Even though it’s only a bit warmer and sunnier than usual, everyone comes outside and smiles and looks happier. It makes everything and everyone more pleasant. I can’t wait until there are more days like Sunday where I can walk through the park without a jacket. And days when I can wear a yellow cardigan and red flats. Maybe I’ll even get to wear a springy dress? I guess anything’s possible. Dream Big.

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