Thursday, April 1, 2010

We Were Halfway There When the Rain Came Down

maybe that's just growing up. when you're young, you tell yourself things like "well, if it didn't work out, it wasn't meant to be.' as if that actually meant something just because it sounds like it does. i think you can say something like that so blithely because you expect to stumble onto something else just as wonderful just around the next bend in the road. but people are rare, perfect, unique things and just because everyone really does live a life full of farewells doesn't mean you should at least realize what it really means to say goodbye to something that meant everything. just because you will survive and get over it doesn't mean you should let it go. - adam duritz

that's been one of my favorite quotes for such a long time now. if there's anything i've learned since i've been here, it's that life really is full of goodbyes. it's not something that i can say i'm okay with. but it's proven to be true. someone who you consider a best friend for some time may not hold that title later on. and you never consider that a possibility at the time. but it happens. because you're not there. you're off with other best friends. sometimes i just want to push pause. like, all the time actually. but anyways.

i had a great weekend, sneaking off to scotland on friday and not returning to the real world until monday afternoon. it was so good to get out of the city and breathe the fresh air and see the ocean again.

tomorrow morning we leave for berlin and sunday and monday we'll be in paris. my feet feel like they're breaking but so i'll need to assess my footwear situation. i wish it would get warmer out. my weekends left in london are numbered. to about two. which is horribly depressing. but i got a free pair of oakley's at work today. score! also, my mom and dad booked their flights and i cannot wait to show them around where i've been living. we booked amsterdam for the weekend after next and are looking into going somewhere in greece for the weekend after finals. so many good things to look forward to...

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