Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trying To Fit The World Inside a Picture Frame

Back in London after a relaxing few days in Greece has been book ended by some of the most hectic days I've had here. That sentence doesn't make any sense but I'm entirely too tired to figure out a better way to say that.

Last week, internships finished up which I was surprisingly sad about. My co-workers and I went out for drinks after work on Friday and I was genuinely upset that I wouldn't get to see them again. I met some really, really nice people who were very good to me. Unfortunately, Sunday did not bring such warm fuzzies because I lost my wallet. Not even a nice wallet, but it contained by license, debit card, credit card and BU id. I felt like it was the end of the world when it happened. But instead, the end of the world came just 24 hours later when I accidently deleted my final internship tutorial paper that I had worked on all weekend. 2500 words. gone. Two hours before it was due and I was supposed to be at class in one hour. Awful, absolutely awful. But, I had no time to stop and think about this because the week was about to get even busier and debatably more awful.

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent trying to enjoy my last full days with my friends in London and study for an exam I knew nothing about. Simultaneously, I packed my life into two ramshackle suitcases and tried not to realize how fast it was all ending. Thursay morning's exam marked the end of my junior year.
Ba-na-nas as Rachel Zoe once said.

Thursday, we had the pleasure of moving our hundreds of pounds of luggage over to Knightsbridge into my aunt's garage. This is no easy task, my friend. I can't tell you the amount of dirty looks thrown my way or the number of toes I ran over on the bus. It was getting out of hand. After taking a quick rest at Carla's, we headed back to our last pregame in the Crofton, featuring two blocks of cheese and crackers and of course, Strongbow. We actually saved up random change all semester and put it in a mug called "The Strongbow Fund." I never thought it would add up, but when Reggie and Megan took it to the bank, it totaled 18 pounds. We headed out to the end of the semester party and after some ID trouble at the door and a quick cab ride back to The Crofton to get my passport, we were in. It was fun to see everyone again. Then, it was 2 in the morning and we were vagabonds. We crashed in the Crofton kitchen until our cab came to take us to Victoria at 2:45 AM. Yeah, those early flights always seem like a good idea at the time.

Since the volcanic ash threatened our trip to Greece but magically lifted the day before we flew, I guess we had to expect trouble somewhere. Check in took ages, bags had to be checked and stress levels were peakin'. But we made it on our flight at 5:55, hungover, still in our party dresses but ready to get to Greece. The first day in Corfu was cloudy, but we didn't mind because our eyes were still crusted shut and our bodies were physically eating themselves from the insides out. We ordered room service, pigged out and fell asleep. We hung out in the hotel lobby and then retired early again, psyched up for the sun the next day.

The Aquis Corfu Holiday Palace was quite a place. It was pretty souped up by the looks of the lobby, but they failed to invest beyond that point. All of the hotel staff seemed like robots. We called them The Droids. There weren't many people around but that was fine for us. We spent the week laying out, reading, relaxing, occasionally dipping in the very cold pool and walking around Corfu Town. Oh, and pigging out on our free breakfast and dinner buffet. Whoops.

We flew back from Greece and got ourselves situated in London again. We booked spontaneous tickets to Thriller Live and went for our last dinner at YO Sushi. Sweet deal. Today, I got up at the crack of dawn to get my parents at Heathrow. I was so excited to see them! I teared up when I hugged my mom actually. I felt badly because they were being pretty Droid-y themselves being that they were so jet lagged. They went back to the hotel to sleep and we're meeting up for dinner later. I had to say goodbye to the girls today as they're all headed back to the states. I hate saying goodbye. I always cry. It's too sad. I cannot believe my semester in London is over already. But I've got a week left with KP and Dave to soak it all up.

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