Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pretty Voice

Things I Have Already Learned This Summer:

1. not everyone will like you all the time. some people will not like you just because you show up. or try. or smile. or are friendly. some people will criticize you because they can and you cannot expect them to like you. you have to earn people.
2. do not make decisions to quickly. sit with your thoughts and your feelings. trust yourself but question yourself more. your feelings will change. sometimes you can't go back even though people have let you go back many times before.
3. you need to have goals. living while floating is idle and wasteful. if you know what you want you can work for it and make it happen. you do not need to know everything right now, but you've got to have an idea. figure out the big stuff- the pencil sketches of what you want. only then can you ever really get there.
4. you are not nearly as cool as you sometimes think or pretend you are.
5. things can make you feel good about yourself. i don't care what anyone says.
6. if you are good at something, use it and run with it and let it make you feel alive.
7. it's good to know how to be your own best friend.
8. just because you felt it doesn't mean it's there. stop projecting what you want onto any mildly suitable candidate just because they are there. don't settle.
9. it's okay to be a realist, a romantic and hugely indecisive.
10. stop caring what everyone else thinks. the ballsiest, funniest and coolest people I know genuinely don't give a shit.

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